Fox Law Offices, PLLC

Privacy Policy

Fox Law Offices, PLLC Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is to inform you of the types of information that Fox Law Offices, PLLC (the “Firm”), may collect from you via, as well as how such information may be used. By using, you are indicating your acceptance of the policies and procedures described in this policy statement.

Collection of Info

This website may collect non-personal information related to any incoming request, including domain names and internet protocol (“IP”) addresses. Domain names and IP addresses do not reveal the individual identities of users, but do reveal information about the internet node(s) from which this site is being accessed. This site may also collect information about the types of browsers and operating systems being used, the incoming links that bring users to this site, and the specific pages accessed by browsers.

Should you choose to communicate with the Firm regarding this website or our legal services, any information voluntarily provided to us will be retained. Should you provide us with an email address or telephone number for contact, please be advised that we assume the right to contact you via that email address or telephone number unless and until you instruct us otherwise.

Use of Collected Information

Any information collected will be used primarily for our own internal business purposes, including but not limited to providing, maintaining, evaluating and improving our legal services and this website, fulfilling specific requests for information, and otherwise providing support to our clients.

Protection of Collected Information

Except as may be ordered by a Court of competent jurisdiction or properly requested by government authorities via a proper warrant or subpoena, the Firm will not share any of your confidential personal or business information with any third party without your permission. Please note that information used for analysis of traffic flow into and through this website may be shared confidentially with third party contractors assisting the Firm with maintenance of the website, marketing and promotional advice and similar endeavors.

Consent to this Privacy Policy

By using, you hereby consent to the collection and use of the information specified above. Should we make changes to this Privacy Policy in the future, any such changes will be posted on this page. You are encouraged to review this page frequently to remain up-to-date with the information collected, the manner in which such information is used, and the circumstances under which it may be disclosed. It is your responsibility to review the Privacy Policy carefully to make sure you understand the practices and procedures set forth herein.

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding this policy, please contact us immediately via telephone at (918) 318-0604 or via postal mail to Fox Law Offices, PLLC, P.O. Box 742193, Dallas, Texas 75374.